Super Sophisticated Electric Motor Made by Indonesia Appears in Macau

The Ministry of Industry continues to fully support the development of electric motorized vehicles in the country. One of them is manifested by Katalis Company, which will exhibit its products at the gallery of The Arsenale, Macau. This proves that the work of the nation's children is able to create environmentally friendly vehicles according to global market trends.

"We appreciate Katalis who has contributed in creating the Katalis EV.1000 electric motorcycle," said the Director General of Small, Medium and Miscellaneous Industry (IKMA) of the Ministry of Industry, Gati Wibawaningsih in Jakarta, Monday (24/8).

The Katalis EV.1000 electric motorbike is the result of collaboration with The Arsenale, the world's leading automotive gallery from France, which offers transportation tools and products that prioritize design and technological innovation. "The EV.1000 catalyst will be sent to The Arsenale gallery in Macau at the end of this August," said Gati.

Regarding the specifications, the Katalis EV.1000 carries an electric motor with a capacity of 1000 watts which is supported by a 48V 45Ah battery, with a 48-72 Volt power regulator. This motorbike can be driven at a speed of 80 km / h to a distance of 90 km on a single charge. The design of this product takes the idea of ​​a fighter with a sturdy and fierce impression.

The Director General of IKMA is of the opinion that, with the uniqueness of its products, Katalis will be able to get a special segment for fans of attractive and innovative motor vehicle designs. "We ask Katalis to protect intellectual property rights in its innovative designs, along with efforts to continuously improve productivity and process efficiency," he said.

Furthermore, in an effort to support the production of electric motor vehicles in Indonesia, the government has issued Presidential Regulation Number 55 of 2019 concerning the Acceleration of the Battery Electric Vehicle (KBL) Program for Road Transportation. This regulation, among others, regulates the level of domestic content (TKDN) for the battery-based electric motor vehicle industry and its component industries.

"In Article 8 of the Presidential Decree, it is stated that the use of domestic components for electric motorized vehicles based on two and / or three-wheeled batteries in 2019-2023 is a minimum of 40%," said Gati.

For this reason, the Ministry of Industry hopes that the development of electric motorized vehicles can involve automotive component small and medium industry (IKM) players in production centers, such as in Jakarta, Bogor, Bekasi, Karawang, Sukabumi, Tegal, Klaten, Purbalingga, Pasuruan, and Sidoarjo. Quite a few of these automotive component IKMs are part of the automotive industry supply chain as Tier 2 and 3.

"The government has set a target of 20% of the total national production of two-wheeled motorized vehicles by 2025 to be electric motorbikes, with a target of around 2 million units," he explained. For this reason, the existence of domestic electric motors such as Catalysts needs to be better known to the public, one of which is through participation in modification exhibitions and automotive exhibitions in general.

Gati also emphasized that the government continues to encourage innovation development and increase industrial competitiveness, including the automotive sector which is a priority in the industrial era 4.0 according to the road map of Making Indonesia 4.0. "We continue to build communication and synergy with related ministries and institutions in encouraging the creation of a supportive business climate as well as sustainable and on target coaching," he added.

Regarding the success of Katalis, the Director General of IKMA hopes that this achievement will be an inspiration for other creative people to build electric motorized vehicles in Indonesia. "With great gratitude and pride, we also support the release of the Katalis EV.1000 electric motor to The Arsenale, Macau," said Gati.


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