Impact Geographic Indonesia

As we know that geographically Indonesia is flanked on two continents and two oceans, namely the Asian continent and the continent of Australia, the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. The geographical position of Indonesia many opinions that say the geographical location of Indonesia has its advantages and disadvantages are as follows ..
Advantages Geographical Indonesia.

Advantages Geographic Indonesia in Economics

Indonesia is an international trade lanes. This is very advantageous in trade circulation can muasuk and out through the country. Indonesia is a major tourism destination that has a lot of good cultural diversity of race, religion, place of tourism, language and exotic food.

Indonesia as a center of economy between the two continents and two oceans. this can be used as capital for local governments and investors who want to open a business where it can be profitable. Acceleration of infrastructure in these areas should be done immediately. The current administration has been a lot of improvement in infrastructure. It is a good thing diamana intelligent local governments see the opportunities that exist.

Improvement of an international airport is necessary. if not where we could park the planes of domestic and overseas. Increasing sea transportation to the maximum, increase in transportation to tourist destinations (buses), Indonesia Geographical Advantage in the Field of Communications
Required to be able to speak English as an International path.
Advantages Geographic Indonesia in Social and Culture should also be considered. has a diverse culture that is closely associated with tourism.

Losses Geographic Indonesia in Economics

Global competition facing very high as investors flocked to opt for profit in the gold wells this country. Massive exploration makes this nation lose control so many losses that are considered large.

The existence of the black market (illegal market) is very detrimental to the nation. rogue employers who do not want to pay taxes is the main enemy for the nation. And it must be fixed. The more traffic congestion because of the number of immigrants who accumulates and more and more. This allows Indonesia flooded residents who need to be fed.

The more consumptive against foreign vehicles due to the free market and traditional transportation excluded. Many cultures that go to make the local culture can be marginalized. Banyaknyak-perilak behavior that is not in accordance with the customs of Indonesia or Indonesian norms as follows from outside the country. The amount of the behavior of foreign tourists who bring bad influence for the nation. Now in Indonesia less ethical foreign tourists so that makes this nation lost culture.

Arable land with increased crime International because Indonesia is the international trade lanes and paths connecting the two continents and two oceans. International crimes such as narcotics, drugs and terrorism.


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