Shipbuilding Industry

Currently the national shipbuilding industry still has not seen, even though Indonesia is one of the largest maritime countries in the world. For the Government of which we love the responsibility to organize the country should participate sebgai main actors to develop the shipbuilding industry increasingly oppressed and neglected it.

National shipping industry is still poor funds from banks, then the Government should establish policies to build a shipbuilding industry in the country, not just repair or imported by cuap-cuap advance the shipping industry, the government also haruus justly between trade and industry in the sector of the shipbuilding industry ship.

Liberation of value-added tax of 10% for the shipping industry in the country is believed to boost the competitiveness of shipyards so as to seize the procurement of new vessels. The VAT exemption in accordance with Presidential Instruction 5 Ta-hun 2005 on the National Sailing Industry Empowerment. PI was declared the necessity of providing tax privileges to the national shipping industry.

Levy of VAT including the imposition of import duties vessel components causing the price of ships produced in the country up to 17% more expensive than the imported vessels. The government has freed VAT on imported vessels based on Finance Minister Regulation (PMK) No. 287 2006 on the Amendment of PMK No. 146/2000. PMK regulates the import and or penyera-han certain taxable goods and taxable services or the delivery of certain exempted from tax.

The government also bear import duties of ships among others by Minister of Finance Decree No. 432/1996 on the Facilitation of Government Borne on transfer duties Ships. However, the government still charge 10% VAT in the shipyard sector, although already bear import duties vessel components.

Harusnnya imports of ships tightened by imposing tax and customs duties are proporsional.Kebijakan was taken to move the shipbuilding industry is in full operation. If (tax and customs duties) are established, standard program dies production vessel or ship in bulk to certain types of categories can be executed. Harusnnya government set up two choices incentives for domestic shipbuilding industry in order to meet the needs of national ship believed to reach 526 units by 2015.


One, two and three major problems facing the shipbuilding industry is the imposition of value added tax (VAT) .....

This problem is getting Naked for the local shipbuilding industry still cleave to MR. IMPORT components were so far not been able to be produced domestically.

Import dependency is relatively high vessel components that affect the cost and the time of delivery, making it difficult to compete with imported ships, especially from China who had made the competitiveness of the national shipbuilding industry is weak and lackluster.


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